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wan什么意思,Unveiling the Meaning Behind 'Wan' Unlocking the Mystery of a Common Chinese Character


Wan is a common Chinese character with a variety of meanings. Depending on the context, it can refer to a unit of time, a shape, a number, or even a state of mind. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the many meanings behind the character 'wan' and unlock the mystery surrounding this versatile character.

The Time Unit

Wan can refer to a time unit, similar to a day. In ancient China, a day was divided into 12 shi (时), and each shi was further divided into 100 ke (刻). One ke was equivalent to 14.4 minutes, and one wan was equivalent to 24 ke or 4 shi or 96 minutes.

Today, wan is still used as a time unit in some contexts, such as in traditional Chinese medicine. For example, the acupuncture point Nei Guan (内关), located on the wrist, is said to have its optimal effects at the fourth wan of the day, which is around 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in modern time units.

The Shape

Wan can also refer to a shape, which is a rounded rectangle or an oval. This shape can appear in various objects, such as coins, seals, and doors. The traditional Chinese coin, for example, is round with a square hole in the middle, representing the union of Heaven and Earth. The oval-shaped seal, on the other hand, represents eternity and the continuous cycle of life.

wan什么意思,Unveiling the Meaning Behind 'Wan' Unlocking the Mystery of a Common Chinese Character

The wan shape can also be seen in traditional Chinese architecture, where it is used to create arches, windows, and doorways. These shapes are believed to have a positive effect on the psyche, creating a feeling of harmony and balance.

The Number

Wan can also represent the number ten thousand. In ancient China, ten thousand was considered a large and complete number, representing infinity and perfection. The Book of Changes, or I Ching, a seminal text on Chinese philosophy, uses the phrase "ten thousand things" to describe the multitude of phenomena in the world.

In modern China, the phrase "ten thousand" is still used colloquially to mean "a lot" or "numerous." For example, "wan ren" (万人) means "ten thousand people," but is often used to mean "a huge crowd."

The State of Mind

Lastly, wan can also refer to a state of mind, specifically a feeling of disappointment or weariness. This feeling is often associated with a lack of interest or enthusiasm, as if one has exhausted all their energy and motivation. The phrase "wan luan" (万乱) describes a confused or chaotic state of affairs, often used to describe a political or economic crisis.

However, the state of mind referred to by wan is not always negative. In some contexts, wan can represent a sense of calmness or detachment, as if one has transcended the worries and distractions of the world. This state is often associated with spiritual practices such as meditation or Daoism, where the goal is to achieve a state of wuwei (无为), or effortless action.


wan什么意思,Unveiling the Meaning Behind 'Wan' Unlocking the Mystery of a Common Chinese Character

Wan may be just one character in the vast universe of Chinese characters, but its meanings are surprisingly diverse and significant. Whether referring to a time unit, a shape, a number, or a state of mind, wan encapsulates many of the core beliefs and cultural values of the Chinese people. It reminds us of the importance of balance, harmony, and completeness in our lives, as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise from living in an ever-changing world.